No Single player for Goldeneye Source, looks like you will have to go back to the older game
So there is no single player mode for Goldeneye source. (sad face) That means we have to break out our old copies if you are lucky enough to have one, or our ROMS. However, playing our old OLD ROMS is going to be tricky are we going to be able to take down Alec Trevelyan with our poorly mapped xbox360 control pad? Probably not we arent going to enjoy it as much. However we at OMAC TECHY have saved you some time and mapped the keys perfectly for your XBOX 360 controllers and MOGA PRO controllers. No need to thank us!!!!
Just follow the basic instructions on the video below, We have added in a bit of gameplay footage just for the happy memories!!!! Long Live one of the best games of the 90's generation!!!